The CRBS has excellent infrastructure for biophysical and structural biology research, and skilled support personnel to facilitate experiments.
To request access to the facility and book an instrument please follow this link:
Please follow these instructions to create an account.
Check this document to see the user fees and mimimum booking time
Facility for Electron Microscopy Research (FEMR)
FEMR is a technology-based facility with the mission of promoting and advancing the science and practice of electron microscopic imaging and analysis. FEMR has ideal infrastructure for analysis of biological macromolecules, including high-end transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) and revolutionary direct electron detectors. FEMR also has infrastructure for the physical sciences, while the biological arm is strategically associated and in the CRBS umbrella, having intersecting leadership and scientists. The CRBS helps promote FEMR’s mission of supporting innovative research in the areas of biological, life, material, and physical sciences using electron microscopy. Website here.
Quebec/ Eastern Canada High Field NMR Facility (QANUC)
QANUC was established in 2004 to manage NMR infrastructure at McGill University. The platform is in the Pulp & Paper Building, adjacent to the McGill Department of Chemistry, and currently has two on-site spectrometers, operating at 800 MHz and 500 MHz. All instruments have cryogenic probes for the highest sensitivity possible and are capable of characterizing proteins with triple isotopic labeling (2H/13C/15N) for studies of protein dynamics and structure. QANUC has had outstanding success in garnering a broad base of users and operational support.
Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry
CRBS is associated with two dedicated mass spectrometry facilitates located in the McIntyre Medical Building. The Biochemistry Mass Spectrometry Facility (9th floor) is equipped with a high-field Thermo Scientific Q-Exactive HF mass spectrometer coupled to a nano EASY-nLC chromatography system. This instrument is useful for LC-MS/MS protein identification and characterization of post-translational modifications in trypsin digests from both pure and complex samples. The Pharmacology SPR-MS Facility (12th floor) hosts a Bruker Impact II Q-TOF mass spectrometer coupled to a 3000 RSLC HPLC, which is useful for LC-MS/MS characterization of protein digests as well as high-resolution full-length protein molecular weight determination. The SPR-MS Facility also has the Bruker Ultraflextreme, a high-resolution MALDI-TOF spectrometer used for protein/peptide characterization and tissue imaging.
Furthermore, the CRBS and CRBS researchers have established collaborations with other research centres and equipment facilities which promote infrastructure sharing and development of interdisciplinary research teams across McGill University, including: